come pick me up. take me out. fuck me up. steal all my records. screw all my friends. their all full of shit. with a smile on your face. and then do it again. i wish you would.
may I steal?
stealing is bad, but can't help it - the lines are too good!
sure, feel free to steal it and everything you need=)
just to let you know - these lines are not mine.. i also stole it from one trashy girl's livejournal... cause i also really liked these words...
by the way i wanted to ask you about trashy life - do you like it?
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-tried. liked it. felt sorta cool at first. tried again. got bored. got sick of it.
felt really crappy about the person i turned into.
don't want it anymore.
didn't even get wasted on St Patric's day.
was trashed the night before though))